Step 3:
Try to understand what they’re going through, and work together to make a plan.
Understand the way forward, together
This can include having a simple conversation, and/or using mental health benefits and programs available through your organization or community.
Make sure employees are aware of available programs and services
In many organizations, the best place to start is the employee assistance program. In some cases, it may also be helpful to be aware of your employer’s mental health and substance use benefits and any other special programs the organization may offer to employees in need.
Encourage them to reach out for help
Clearly and confidently communicate your understanding that mental illnesses are real, common and treatable. Remind the person that treatment really works. The vast majority of those suffering from emotional distress or mental illness will get better with proper treatment—a success rate that exceeds many other types of physical health concerns. Quite often, just talking with another caring human being instills hope, and helps that person take that next step towards helping themselves.
Remember your resources - know where to get support
Through simply caring and connecting, we can help each other and improve the emotional health of our team. When more help is needed, resources are available for additional support.
Contact the employee assistance program if your company provides one. These are generally free and completely confidential.
Contact your benefits provider or behavioral health plan. If you are unsure of your coverage, call the toll-free number listed on your insurance card for more information.
Provide resources, create a plan
There are resources available for people who may be struggling with mental health concerns. These can be helpful for you, your employee, a co-worker, a family member or a friend in creating a course of action.
Work together
Understanding an employee or co-worker’s concerns and seeing how you can support them is useful. Be creative, honest and willing to work within your confines.